After Oxygen shortage tackled, next Crisis lack of Doctors

After Oxygen shortage tackled, next Crisis lack of Doctors

Oxygen shortage tackled, next crisis will be lack of Doctors, nurses for Covid patients- Dr Shetty

Cardiac surgeon Dr. Devi Shetty said that Oxygen supply will be tackled by India then next problem will be shortage of doctors and nurses to treat patients. Dr. Shetty said that India can face next big crisis due to surge of Covid patients in May. He concerns about Corona second wave in virtual conference approaches to healthcare by Symbiosis International. Further he said that India now facing the shortage of vaccine but no doubt about it that next few weeks we will face lack of nurses and doctors. Shetty said that Doctors who have working since first wave of the pandemic, they are mentally fatigued. Mostly doctors of them are getting infected. During May week’s many patients will be die because there are no nurses and doctors to take care of them.

Dr. Shetty also said that for every person who tests positive in the country, with this person there are 5 to 10 persons they are not tested. This means that there can be 5 to 10 lakh people who are actually getting infected every day.

Need to create 5 lakh additional ICU beds and recruit 2 lakh nurses to tackle peak crisis

He pointed that India at present has almost 85000 ICU beds and all of them are already occupied during second wave of Corona. We have 80000 ICU beds daily and now we are not the stage of Corona peak. Moreover, a Covid patient spends a minimum of 10 days in the ICU. Therefore, there is a need to create 5 lakh additional ICU beds in next few weeks. He pointed out that in the ICU, Covid patients are dependent on nurses. So tackle these situation and crisis peak of corona, we should recruit 2 lakh nurses and 1.5 lakh doctors to manage the situation.

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