World Heart Day 2023, Wishes, Quotes & Theme
Every year World Heart Day observed 29 September globally. This is the day of dedicated for a awareness campaign to give the support the heart patient. As well as, It is the campaign where many heart disease slogans and cards distributed in the public and celebrate the day. Furthermore, The first day World Heart Day observed by the World Health Organization. Besides it, Theme of the World Heart Day 2023 It recommended to get your cholesterol checked every 5 years starting at age 20.

Our heart is the most powerful organs of the human body and we have to care it from many cardiovascular diseases and junk food. So this day shows the aware about the cholesterol level and protect the heart from many cardio dies eases. Further all, According to WHO data every year the 40 to 50 years people suffered from hear disease and trend is going to high some past years. So celebration of the day show the awareness Heart care.
World Heart Day 2023 Theme
Harnessing the power of digital health to improve awareness, prevention and management of CVD globally is our goal for Word Heart Day 2021. World Heart Day 2021: Besides it, Many people feel that heart diseases affect only those over 50, but the truth is they can strike anytime from childhood to early twenties. Furthermore, Here are other common myths about heart diseases buste by a cardiologist.
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Besides it, Heart health has assumed significance in Covid era as there is a rising trend of sudden heart attacks and even people aged between 40-50 affected by it.Consequently Faulty lifestyle, unhealthy diet, heavy smoking, or cardiac history may be contributing towards the rising heart troubles in young people.
World Heart Day Quotes, Wishes
1.A very Happy World Heart Day to those who keep on smiling in spite of battling against cardiovascular diseases on a daily note.
2.Your life will keep on beating till your healthy heart keeps on beating.
3.On this World Heart Day, let’s make sure that each and every individual knows how important it is to take proper care of the Heart.
4.Keep smiling and stay happy, that’s all to keep your heart healthy.
5.Once you face any kind of problem, don’t hesitate and ensure a proper check up as things may prove to be disastrous in future.
6.On this World Heart Day, promise to keep yourself and your family members fit by taking proper care of their hearts.
7.Destroy the cardiovascular problems much before they destroy you.
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World Heart Day Whats app Status
On World Heart Day, make a promise that you will say no to all those things that can cause damage to your heart.
Today is World Heart Day, the day on which you should say no to smoking.
A healthy and active life can always be beneficial to your heart. Happy World Heart Day.
Never ignore any problems related to your heart, it can prove to be costly in the future.
Let us make more people aware of cardiovascular diseases on World Heart Day.
A healthy heart is a key to happiness in life. Happy World Heart Day.
Keeping a healthy heart is essential if you don’t want to be apart from your loved ones. Happy World Heart Day.
Always listen to your heart. Happy World Heart Day.
A good heart is something that people get attracted to. Happy World Heart Day.
Never lose your heart in any situation, it is the best way to deal with all kinds of problems. Happy World Heart Day.
World Heart Day in Hindi
विश्व हृदय फाउंडेशन द्वारा विश्व हृदय दिवस का आयोजन प्रत्येक वर्ष 29 सितंबर को लोगों को हृदय रोगों (सीवीडी) के बारे में सूचित करने के लिए किया जाता है, जो दुनिया में मृत्यु और विकलांगता का सबसे बड़ा कारण हैं। सीवीडी के जोखिम को कम करने के लिए निवारक उपायों के लिए जागरूकता को बढ़ावा देता है। इसका उद्देश्य लोगों को प्रेरित करना है कि तम्बाकू सेवन, अस्वास्थ्यकर आहार और शारीरिक निष्क्रियता जैसे जोखिम कारकों को नियंत्रित करके, हृदय रोग और स्ट्रोक से कम से कम 80% मौतों को रोका जा सकता है।
आँखों को धोखा देना आसान है। लेकिन, दिल को धोखा देना आसान नहीं है।
World Heart Day Speech
Furthermore, Worldwide Heart Day is widely known on September 29 each year.
So, Global coronary heart Day turned into located for the primary time in 2000.
It’s miles a part of an worldwide campaign to spread recognition about heart disorder.
In 2012 leaders everywhere in the world determined to lower the ailment through 25% with the aid of 2025.
Global heart Day is an ideal platform for the battle in opposition to cardiovascular illnesses.
Each government and Non-governmental firms participate in world heart Day.
In this Day some famous homes, landmarks and monuments move crimson in an effort to aid this attention.
A wholesome food plan, no smoking and quitting alcohol, and physical exercise are important steps to shop your heart.
You continually don’t want to set up a extraordinary event for focus. You can acquire your buddies and own family and can host Newman and may train them on the issue.
A selected subject matter is decided every 12 months to advantage interest and to make it a success.
World Heart Day 2023 Date
The date of World Heart Day 2023 is 29 September Wednesday and theme of the year is Harnessing the power of digital health to improve awareness, prevention and management of CVD globally is our goal for Word Heart Day 2023. This is the awareness day which will be observed globally.
World Heart Day Quiz
On December 3, 1967, 53-year-old Louis Washkansky received the first __ transplant. Answer the question ?
- Heart
How many parts are there in a human heart?
- 4
Which part of the heart gets its name from the Latin word for ‘belly’?
- Ventricle
Which of these hashtags is being promoted by the World Heart Federation in observance of World Heart Day 2020?
- Useheart
The idea of World Heart Day was conceived by Antoni Bayés de Luna, who was the President of which organization from 1997-99?
- World Heart Federation
World Heart Day Chart
Here are the chart list of World Heart Day. The best template chart to dedication on the world Hearts Day
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- History
- Quotes
- Theme
- Wishes
- World Heart Day 2021
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- World Heart Day Chart
- World Heart Day in Hindi
- World Heart Day Quiz
- World Heart Day Quotes
- World Heart Day Speech
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